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Friends of the Forest

As explained in the Origins page, THE FRIENDS OF THE FOREST came together in 2001 to protect the park from unsuitable development and to continue working in co-operation with the Nottingham City Council to preserve it for use in accordance with the 1845 Act of Parliament that created it.

All meetings take place at 30, Thorncliffe Road, Nottingham NG35BQ. To keep its independence and to pay for the newsletter and other expenses each member pays an annual subscription of £5.  

As it was gradually realised how lucky we are in Nottingham to have all this inner-city open space, 130 acres created by Act of Parliament and therefore unable easily to be misused or sold off, we instituted the annual Inclosure Walk, so that our fellow-citizens could learn about it and experience the pleasure of its four parks and nearly 5 miles of wide, tree-lined walks.

We have planted quite a lot of native woodland flowers spread thinly along the upper parts of the bank by the Rock Cemetery, with the expectation that they will gradually spread and join up – a fine sight for our descendants in 100 years’ time.   Snowdrops, Bluebells, Wood Anemone.   There is also Meadow Saxifrage to be found on the Forest and we are keen that it should not be endangered.

In 2024 we began a regular litter-picking scheme to help combat the increasing amount of detritus that seems to be accumulating. This is particularly relevant now in the light of cuts to the Nottingham City Council's annual budget for parks and open spaces.

Meetings for 2024

There will be a committee meeting on 15th August at 30 Thorncliffe Road, Nottingham NG3 5BQ. All members and other interested parties are welcome to attend and contribute. 

We will be fielding a stall at the 2024 Green Festival, jointly with the Friends of Nottingham Arboretum, on Sunday 8th September in the grounds of the Arboretum.

Our AGM will take place on 14th November at 6.30 followed by a general members' and committee meeting. An agenda will be published nearer the time - for details of who to contact, and how, please see the Contact page by accessing the Contact tab.

@ 2016 Friends of the Forest.

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