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Forest Events 2015



150th Aniversary of planting of Inclosure Oak

The Sheffield City Giants will dance on the Forest to celebrate the 150th year after the planting of the Inclosure Oak, and the planting of a new one by Kate Ashbrook of the Open Spaces Society.

Giants Dance on the Forest Recreation Ground


Further support will be given by the Sheffield City Giants, 14-foot high figures, who will lead the procession at 2.00 p.m. up from the pavilion to the Oak, and perform dances there. They represent War and Peace, fighting for the environment.   Mortimers Morris group will also take part, dancing at the end, back at the pavilion.  There will be a guided tree walk, led by an expert, Graham Pierce, for those who would like to know more about the Forest trees.



The Recreation Grounds, 130 acres given by the Act, are shown in an exhibition in the Pavilion, from 1.30 to 2.00 p.m. and afterwards.  This will display the extent of the grounds, from Queens Walk to the Forest, with several other grounds in between, such as Robin Hood Chase and the Arboretum, with old documents, maps and photographs.



The event has been organised jointly by the Friends of the Forest and Nottingham City Council.




The 1845 Inclosure Act will be remembered on the Forest at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday 18th October when a second Inclosure Oak will be planted by the first one.  This will mark the 150 years since the original Oak was planted, in 1865, near to the Mansfield Road.   It commemorated the Award in that year, making final all the arrangements of the 1845 Act, which included all the Recreation Ground given forever for our use.  It is a large amount of land, unique in the country.  Other places might have one or two acres: we have 130.



The tree will be planted by Kate Ashbrook, of the Open Spaces Society, supported by Councillor Dave Trimble, (portfolio holder for leisure and parks), Eddie Curry, (Director of Parks), Tom Huggon, (Champion for Open Spaces) and Paddy Tipping, (Commissioner for Police), well-known for his active help in protecting our rural and civic open spaces, not least by guiding the CROWE Act through Parliament when an M.P.





Wednesday 01 to Sunday 04 October 2015

Goose Fair

Friday 11 September 2015

Finish of stage 6 of the Aviva Tour of Britain bike race 2015.

@ 2016 Friends of the Forest.

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